Still no feedback from X-Rite support. Nothing to do but rescan the 400 patches. This time it took at least half an hour. Sometimes I’d get two rows in succession right, but then it would take four or five tries for the next row. The last row took seven.
I did one thing differently. I remembered that the SpectroScan, when operating under the control of either the Praxisoft or the Monaco profile-making software, took a reading off the calibration chip every 30 or 40 patches. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to do something similar; every 4 or 5 rows, I recalibrated.
It didn’t help, or maybe it did help, but it didn’t fix the problem. I ended up with the same “Error creating profile” message as I did the first time.
At this point, I’m pretty sure that I can’t live with manually measuring the color patches. It’s bad enough to scan a row and have no idea whether I’m doing it right until the software tells me to either move on or do it over. It’s even worse, if this is what’s going on, to get through an entire set of patches and have the software be unable to create a profile because of something I’ve done wrong, and have no feedback about what that thing was. And then there’s the time. I may get better, but if it takes half an hour to do 400 patches, it’ll take two hours to do an IT8 target.
I’m not sure that my problems would be entirely fixed if I bought an XY table. I be really ticked if I spent all that money, and ended up with the same problem. So, although patience is not my long suit, I’m going to wait some more for X-Rite support to get back to me.
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