When we last looked at the Drobos, one of them was causing the OS to insert disk errors in the error log. I had also noticed that VVEngine couldn’t complete one large file transfer. It turned out that the two events occurred simultaneously, suggesting a common cause. I used Windows Explorer to transfer a much larger file with no problems. Then I looked at the destination directory for the file that ViceVersa was having trouble with, and saw a large temporary file. I figured that it might be causing the problem and I trashed it. Then I used Windows Explorer to transfer the file that was having trouble. No problem. Then I deleted it and used ViceVersa to transfer it. Again, no problem. The error log has been clean for 4 days.
Before I started messing around with the files, I got a call from a Level III support tech at Data Robotics, wanting to know how I was doing. I told him, and he asked me to forward the Drobo log to him. When he got it, he said that it looked like there were some problems, and said that he was going to send the log to the software development engineers. I haven’t heard anything from them.
You can’t fix it if it’s not broken. Let’s hope it doesn’t break again.
Please let me know your case number with tech support and I will follow up on this. Thanks.
I got a call from the Level III tech at Data Robotics this morning. He says they’ve found a bug, and should have a release that fixes it within the next 60 days.