Almost done with the iPad 3, unless something goes seriously wrong…
People ask me, “Does it get hot?” Well, yes, hotter than either of its predecessors. It’s the inevitable result of pushing processor speed, communications speed, and display resolution faster than chip process improvements can shrink the feature size. It’s ultimately a dead end, and I hope Apple doesn’t go too far down this road; they’ve already got the resolution beyond what I’d consider optimal.
Does it get too hot? I don’t think so. It doesn’t bother me even without a cover on the back. There are lots of covers if you think it’s too warm on your hands. Their use will make the case even hotter, but you won’t feel it.
Did Verizon get your iPad data account fixed? I called a week ago, heard nothing so I called again. They also stated that they lost my trouble ticket. Thinking of taking this iPad back and getting another one…
Well, you know how they are; you never get enough information to get the big picture.
So I’m just speculating, but I didn’t hear anything that made me think the problem was only at the iPad end. Maybe it’s got something to do with the SIM card, which my tech said is new for Verizon, but I wouldn’t count on it. Last time I checked, my cell service was working. In fact, it works with the network extender, which the Verizon folks said was incompatible.
My advice s to wait. If you can’t wait and you want a fix right now, my advice is to return your iPad for the AT&T model.