After what has seemed like an inordinately long delay, the Really Right Stuff baseplate for the Z9 arrived yesterday. I popped the SmallRig plate off the camera and shot them side by side: They are both well made. If you need a QD connector, get the RRS piece. If you want to save some money,… [Read More]
Archives for 2022
Camera color accuracy outside of the training set
After constructing the software tools to get the results for the last few posts, it occurred to me that I’d done most of the work to take a crack at something that had always interested me, but I’d never gotten around to researching: do camera color filter arrays (CFAs) that produce more accurate results when… [Read More]
Microcolor and CFA spectra, visually
In the previous post, I looked a what I’m calling microcolor effects with various simulated cameras. I know that some of you prefer visuals to graphs. This post is for you. I’ll post all the images from which the graphs in the previous post were derived. What’s shown here are 24 base patches, each one… [Read More]
Microcolor and CFA spectra
I found an error (a prime symbol, ‘, omitted) in the code that I used to generate the images in the original post, so I have extensively revised it. My apologies. In the previous post, I reported on the effect of the selectivity of the color filter array (CFA) spectra on color accuracy in cameras… [Read More]
Optimal CFA spectral response
There is a widespread belief about Bayer color filter array (CFA) response spectra. It goes something like this: The old CCD cameras used to have great color. The reason they had such good color is the dye layers in the CFA were thick. Thick dye layers led to highly selective (narrow band) spectral responses. Modern… [Read More]
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