This is post eight in a series about my experiences in publishing a book. The series starts here.
I don’t think the organization of the book is going to be anything fancy: an introduction by someone else, an artist’s statement by me, the pictures, with titles. I could just string the images together, page after page. However, maybe it would be better to break them up into groups.
One obvious way to divide up the photographs is by city. In order to test that, I fired up Lightroom and assigned red to the San Francisco pictures, yellow to the NYC ones, green to the ones done in Miami, blue to the LA shots, and purple to the Las Vegas images. Leaving out the different versions of the same set of captures, I counted 31 in SF, 13 in NYC, 9 in Miami, 10 in LA, and 10 in Las Vegas.
That’s a little heavy on the SF shots. I’ve got more of them because San Francisco is so convenient for me; I don’t have to get on an airplane to work there. However, if I edited the SF image down to 20 or so, it might work. Another idea might be to make many of the SF pictures smaller.
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