Lensrentals has loaned me a Fujifilm 30mm f/5.6 GF tilt/shift lens. I’m getting ready to send it back, and I asked on DPR if there were any tests that anybody wanted me to run. One reader asked that I compare the sharpness of shifted images vs ones that applied the same sort of corrections in postproduction.
The results will of course depend on where in the image you look. I put the target in about the center of the image.

Some crops at about 150% magnification:
At f/5.6, the shifted image is less sharp than the Photoshop corrected image. At f/8, they’re about the same.
I’m curious, does Fuji write shift amount to the exif?
yes, it does
Indeed it does:
Maybe you have a raw of shifted shot that you can share? Preferably a flat field shot, but any file would be enough. I wrote small utility for the flat field correction, and want to add shift to matcher. Thank you
For the kind of work likely done with this lens, would it make sense to compare the shifted image to a post-production corrected one made with a wider lens, so after cropping you get an equivalent image?