Earlier, I posted some examples of images made in two ways: Using the shift function of the GF 30/5.6 T/S lens with the sensor parallel to the target. Using no shifting, yawing the camera to put the target in the same place in the image, and using Photoshop in postproduction to make it seem as… [Read More]
Fujifilm 30mm f/5.6 T/S lens — sharpness, shift vs postproduction
Lensrentals has loaned me a Fujifilm 30mm f/5.6 GF tilt/shift lens. I’m getting ready to send it back, and I asked on DPR if there were any tests that anybody wanted me to run. One reader asked that I compare the sharpness of shifted images vs ones that applied the same sort of corrections in… [Read More]
Fujifilm 30mm f/5.6 T/S lens — medium distance field curvature
Lensrentals has loaned me a Fuji GF 30mm f/5.6 tilt/shift lens. I tested field curvature a subject distance of about 25 feet, using the Roger Cicala quick and dirty method (Photoshop>Filter>Stylize>Find Edges). Looks like the moustache field curvature that we saw in the close range images in the last post. The sharpness of… [Read More]
Fujifilm 30mm f/5.6 T/S lens — close range field curvature
Lensrentals has loaned me a Fuji GF 30mm f/5.6 tilt/shift lens. I tested field curvature a subject distance of about 8 feet, using the Roger Cicala quick and dirty method (Photoshop>Filter>Stylize>Find Edges). Looks like moustache curvature. Creating a composite of the two images, with the lens axis about 65% of the way from the left… [Read More]
Fujifilm 30mm f/5.6 T/S lens — distortion
Lensrentals has loaned me a Fuji GF 30mm f/5.6 tilt/shift lens. I measured distortion at about 10 or 12 foot subject distance with the lens on a GFX 100 II with shift and tilt zeroed out. This image was developed in Lightroom with lens profile corrections off. I added the red line at the top… [Read More]