There’s a lull in testing while I wait for the Zx cameras to be delivered, and I’ve been making use of the break to do some real photography. As some of you know, I’m starting a series of images of what comes out of our (really, my wife’s) garden. The name of the series is Spots on My Apples, from the Joni Mitchell song that starts out, “They paved paradise, put up a parking lot.”, and has the following near the end:
Hey, farmer, farmer, put away your DDT
Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees.
This is a series of portraits of produce, not prettified or perfect like you’d see in the aisles at Safeway, but treated with respect. At least that’s my goal.
Fun, but come on, your readers are gearheads. Aperture(s)? Lens? Camera? Any focus stacking? As to EW, not going there.
Fuji GFX. 45, 63, and 120 macro. Aputure 120d LED lights and Godox 600 ws strobes. Some images cross-polarized. 16-inch beauty dish, Fresnel lenses, 24-inch soft boxes, bare heads, bounced and diffused lighting. Stacked in Helicon Focus. 30 to 150 shots per stack. Usually f/8 to f/11.
Hi Jim,
Really nice images, thanks for sharing!
Really some inspiration for the dark time of the year that is coming!
Best regards
Darker where you are…
Thanks, Erik
I have always enjoyed the various forms, textures and colors fruits and vegetables come in, so this series was interesting. I particularly like the portrayal of the grapes and the yellow tomato(?). However, I found the glass under the peach(?) distracting and too much variation in the backgrounds and presentation of the vegetables. It will be interesting to see where this series leads.