You probably already saw today’s announcement. Some useful improvements — the electronic first curtain shutter (EFCS) by itself is enough to make me a buyer, and maybe they’ve fixed live view — but in general underwhelming. Where is the 54 megapixel sensor? Where is the EVF?
I may be cynical, but I asked myself a question this morning. What company would benefit the most from a 54 megapixel Nikon? The answer, bubbling up from my subconscious, surprised me: Zeiss.
Why is that? Many Nikon primes, and practically all the zooms, struggle sometimes to keep up with the D800E’s sensor. While decreasing the sensel pitch will make all lenses attached look better (not considering noise), the sharper the lens, the greater the improvement. And who makes the sharpest F-mount lenses? Not Nikon any more, although some of their lenses are very good indeed. I think the answer is Zeiss, with some Sigma lenses — and one Coastal Optical one — also being better than their Nikon equivalents. Gone are the days when you strayed from buying lenses from the camera maker just to save money.
And why no EVF? Most (all?) of the Zeiss F-mount lenses are manual focus, and that’s where the EVF is a big win.
But there’s probably no truth in any of that. I must have gotten out on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
You are just spot on! All your remarks are soo valid ant true.
We’ll wait and wait and wait…
With kind regards,
Why is the e first curtain enough to make you an 810 buyer?
Are there any other features, iso 64, improved optical view finder, longer battery life, etc., that are enough of a benefit to get you to upgrade.
Thanks for your thoughts.
All those things are nice (except ISO 64 — I’ve no problem with ND filters), but the reduced vibration from the EFCS is sufficient to get me to pull out my credit card. I also have high hopes for the improved live view.