I have some succulents that my wife propagated from a cutting Don Worth gave to me. I interviewed Don for the CPA Newsletter, Focus, about ten years ago. You can find the interview here. The succulent was created by Don — it’s a hybrid of Echeveria Shaviana and Echeveria Subrigida, and it’s called Echeveria Afterglow.
Slit scans need some motion to rise above banality, and succulents are not known for their athleticism. I figured, if I can’t get the plant to move, I can at least get the light to change. In fact, since I’m taking the photographs in direct sunlight, I can’t get the light not to change. So I made a series of images with long exposures. When the slit was vertical, I had time run from right to left, and with the slit horizontal, time goes from top to bottom.
Here are some samples:
Here’s what the plant really looks like:
I like your eye for color and the recursive patterns sprinkled with chaos. Beautiful!