In economics, there’s a concept know as Gresham’s law. In shorthand form, it says “the bad money drives out the good.” In this case, bad money is defined as money whose perceived value is less than its face value. If there’s a lot of that kind of money around, it will circulate, and people will… [Read More]
Archives for June 2023
A new way to look at ISOlessness
Note: this post has been revised and corrected based on input from DPRevived and the PS&T forum on DPR. Thanks to all involved. Recently, I wrote two articles for Lensrentals on raw exposure. Part 1 Part 2 One of the takeaways from the articles was, with modern cameras, by far the biggest win associated with… [Read More]
Graffiti composites
About ten years ago, Jack Wasserbach showed me some graffiti-covered abandoned buildings at Fort Ord. I took pictures, but nothing grabbed me when I went over the images in Lightroom. Yesterday I got the idea of doing some composites.
Hasselblad X2D firmware 2.0
This is the 43rd in a series of posts on the Hasselblad X2D 100C camera and the XCD lenses. You will be able to find all the posts in this series by looking at the righthand column on this page and finding the Category “X2D”. In this post, I laid out my thoughts about the… [Read More]