No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy Thus spoke German military strategist Helmuth von Moltk. He was apparently right about war. The obvious corollary certainly applies to photography. And thus it is with my infrared trees series. Let’s start with lenses. I started out with the LifePixel-modified Sony alpha 7, the Coastal Optical 60mm f/4,… [Read More]
Screen resolution for print simulation
We saw a couple of days ago that viewing 36MP images on-screen at 2:1 exposed flaws that were invisible in 19×12.67 inch prints from an Epson 4900 on Exhibition Fiber paper, even upon close inspection with reading glasses, but not with a loupe. I need to add one more specification into the mix: the monitor… [Read More]
Tribalism and Internet photo forums
Monterey, California has a rich and varied photographic history. To this day there are many serious photographic artists in the region. Living here, I get the chance to work with many of them. Photography is a technical pursuit. When you’re trying to make art, the tech stuff is the yin to the art’s yang. You… [Read More]
Lens quality and moderate-sized prints
Over on Digital Photography Review, a poster whose opinion I respect said something like: “Why are you thinking about buying really expensive lenses; you won’t see any difference unless you’re making five-foot prints.” I’d heard that before. I’d also heard that you could tell the difference between images from good lenses at screen resolution. Who… [Read More]
More IR panos
Three from this morning, exposed as the fog burned off.
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