Yesterday, just before noon, I noticed some fog forming on the hills across from my house. I ran outside with my color Sony a7II — the IR cameras cut through the fog, which is not what I wanted — and got about ten minutes of making exposures before the fog blew away.
Here are three images that I converted to B&W:
And here’s am IR one from a sunset earlier in the month:
So, the obvious question to me: this looks like a ready made series of some richness. Therefore, are you compiling it in such a way? Are you (you must be….) thinking about that?
Tex, I’m just making images for now. I’ll see where it goes. One thing that is surprising me: the scars on the land from years of use as a cattle ranch (not obvious on the web, but standing out in prints), which for years kept me from making many images, now seem to be the things that take this series beyond simple landscape.
“…now seem to be the things that take this series beyond simple landscape. ”
Uh-huh. Yup…..been working on that idea myself since 2005/6