This is the 45th in a series of posts on the Hasselblad X2D 100C camera and the XCD lenses. You will be able to find all the posts in this series by looking at the righthand column on this page and finding the Category “X2D”.
Using the 90 mm f/2.5 XCD lens, I made some images at base ISO of a backlit window shade at base ISO. In March, Lightroom didn’t yet know how to correct for vignetting — or anything else — with this lens (it does now), so I didn’t have to turn that off. Developed in Lightroom, defaults except sharpening amount set to 20, black and white processing, a little exposure push.

Quite a bit of falloff as we move away from the lens axis.
Not much better.
Pretty good.
I don;t use Lightroom but I do use Adobe Camera RAW and it recognizes the 90V and definitely corrects for vignetting. Quite nicely I thought.
You are right. It does that now. So does Lr. They didn’t in March, when I wrote the article. I’ll go back and make that clear.