This is part of a long series of posts about the Sony a6300. The series starts here.
I just happened on a a6300 feature that I’ve been hoping to get in Sony cameras for years: in-camera file renaming. In the a7x cameras, the first three non-underscore characters of the file name can be anything you like, as long as you like “DSC”.
On my Nikon gear, I set different names for different cameras so I know which camera made which image. I also use file renaming to add one more digit to the frame counter, so that I can have unique file names for all my Nikon images.
On the a6300, if you go to Suitcase > 6 in the menu system, the top item is Set File Name. If you click OK, you get into a set of file name setting screens that work pretty much like the Nikon ones, and you can make the first three non-underscore characters anything that CIPA allows.
Oh, and here’s another great thing. It looks like it’s been there all along (at least I now see it on the a7RII), but I never saw it because I always used Adobe RGB. . If you pick the sRGB color space (affects the preview and the finder image but not the raw data), you get another file index digit, for a total of five, so I won’t have to do my frame count trick. [Edit. No such luck. The leading zero is fixed.]
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