Yesterday I posted this picture: Today I’ll tell you a bit about how it was made, and see if that changes your assessment of it. I started out with this image: It is a seven-image composite. Here’s what the layers look like in Ps: Except for the number of composited images, this is not that… [Read More]
Look at this picture
Take a good look at the following picture and form an opinion about it. You can just remember what you thought of it, or you can comment on this post. Tomorrow I’m going to tell you some things about the image, and I’m interested in whether or not they change your opinion.
How to get to Carnegie Hall
I once had a conversation with my guitar teacher about practicing. It went something like this: Teacher: “How much do you practice?” Me: “About 45 minutes a day.” Teacher: “Tell me what you do on a typical day.” Me: “I warm-up by playing some songs that I know well. Then I work on the ones… [Read More]
A book report: more on gamut mapping
This is post fourteen in a series about my experiences in publishing a book. The series starts here. Earlier in this series, I’ve reported on mapping the images for the book into the rather small GRACoL 2006 Coated color space used by the printer. Today, Brooks Jensen taught me a new-to-me tool for gamut mapping…. [Read More]
Working on photography 24/7
If you don’t do photography in series, you go out and photograph with a brand new plan every time, or maybe no plan at all. You get better a photography as time goes by because you learn what works and what doesn’t, but the only time you’re thinking about photographing is when you’re capturing or… [Read More]
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