720nm IR-modded GFX 50R on the back of a Swebo TC-1, Rodenstock 180mm f/5.6 HR Digaron on the front of the TC-1, a 950 nm filter on the front of the lens. Edge burned for aesthetic reasons; the lens covers the sensor perfectly, as far as I can tell.
Photography meets digital computer technology. Photography wins -- most of the time.
If that’s the first then I’m really looking forward to seeing more of your explorations with this new set-up, one that is, surely, quite unique!
+ 1 skip the testing and start making photographes ! wonderful.
IR with a GFX, very interesting.
By the way, Do you have experience with adapting M42 legacy lenses to the GFX system?
Best regards
Sorry, but I do not. I do use M42 lens boards with industrial lenses, though.