I’ve had a request for an additional function on this blog: the ability to be notified via email when someone replies to your comment.
I think I’ve added that function.
When you comment now, you should see something like this at the bottom of the commenting page:
You’ll have several choices from the drop down list to pick from before hitting the big green Post Comment button:
- Replies to my comments
- Don’t subscribe
- All
The first is the default, and you will receive email only when someone replies to a comment that you made on this blog.
The second allows you to not be notified about replies to the comment that you are making. You will continue to be notified about replies to other comments to which you have subscribed.
The third allows notifications upon the occurrence of any comment to the post to which you are commenting.
As you can see, there’s also a link you can follow to subscribe to comments to the thread without adding one of your own.
Please let me know how this is working.
Test from LDA to blog article 14983.
THANKS! (especially if it works 😉 )
Glitch? I just did a test reply, and I’m looking a
However, I definitely recall this unexpected behavior in the past. I may or may not have brought it to your attention.
This “reply to my reply” may be an inappropriate “corner case” for this level of maturity.
Did your forum software engine (WordPress?) have a setting for this, or did you do some hacking like I recall doing with SMF (small machines forum)?
I’m using a plugin called “Subscribe to Comments Reloaded”.
Lynn, did the above comment result in an email being sent to you?
Jim: I’m noticing that my AdBlockerPlus prevents the confirmation from showing up. I’m also getting multiple emails to confirm a notification.
I mostly trust your TLW website, but I’m reluctant to disable ABP.
I’m being slow here, again, but I find it less than clear what the different codes are. It seems like a confirmation could flip the status of notifications.