Hasselblad has shipped me a 90 mm f/2.5 XCD lens for evaluation with my X2D 100C. I don’t normally test gear I don’t own — in fact, I’ve only done it once before, with a Kolari-modded camera. But the 90/2.5 is currently unavailable to consumers, and I’ve been interested in the lens since it was announced, so I agreed to the loan when they offered it.
Hasselblad and I are still working out when I can publish test results for the lens. My reports may have to be embargoed until the lens is shipping to customers.
Whenever a reviewer accepts loaner gear there is always the possibility of bias, either conscious or unconscious. I will try to avoid that, but it is possible that I could be biased on favor of the lens because of the generous loan from Hasselblad.
Congrats with the honour following with the asking from Hasselblad!!!
KR Thorkil
Not sure it’s exactly an honor, but I appreciate the thought. Unfortunately, there’s been an issue that will keep me from doing a timely review. Not Hasselblad’s problem. More on that in the coming weeks.