I’ve been a participant in the DPR Medium Format Forum for over two years. I’ve been a mod on that forum for more than a year. I’ve been an MF user since, well, would you believe 1949? I’ve used digital MF cameras since 2002. About two years ago, I sold all my Hasselblad MF gear… [Read More]
Archives for May 2019
Blur circle size estimation by encircled energy
This is a continuation of a series of posts about blur management for landscape photography. The series starts here. In the last post, I looked at blur circle profiles that resulted from a mixture of diffraction, pixel aperture, and defocus, and compared those profiles to the blur circle limits that I had derived from approximations. In… [Read More]
Real and approximated blur profiles
This is a continuation of a series of posts about blur management for landscape photography. The series starts here. So far in this series, I’ve been talking about blur circles as if they were disks of constant intensity (digital filter designers call these pillboxes). When we’re talking about combining the blur from diffraction, defocus, and the… [Read More]
Comparing blur circles across formats and sensors
This is a continuation of a series of posts about blur management for landscape photography. The series starts here. I’ve been asked to compare blur circle sizes between simulated full frame (24×36 mm, aka FF) and 33×44 mm sensors. I picked the Nikon Z7 and the Fuji GFX 50x as the cameras, 30 meters and… [Read More]
Cost functions for optimal blur management
This is a continuation of a series of posts about blur management for landscape photography. The series starts here. This is quite a nerdy little post. If you aren’t interested in the mathematical details behind deciding the best way to manage blur you should probably move on. To search for an optimum solution to a… [Read More]